Our First Blog! Psychologist Kasia Szymanska discusses Healthy eating and weight management

One of our clients and co-author of “Understanding CBT”, Kasia Szymanska gives us some invaluable tips on how to gain and sustain a healthier you:

Healthy eating & weight problems

The majority of us are all too familiar with all types diets, especially the quick fix ones that pop up in magazines. These kinds of diets seem like a fantastic solution; however in reality they tend not to work and certainly don’t address how to keep the weight off.

Making a decision to lose weight and then doing something about it, sticking to a healthy eating plan and ultimately maintaining a healthy weight in the long term can be a tough process for lots of reasons such as a lack motivation; problems with perseverance, a tendency to comfort eat when life gets tough combined with negative attitudes such as ‘Nothing ever works for me’ or ‘I don’t have any willpower’.

Starting out on the path of weight loss can be daunting especially if you don’t have the support of a partner or friends, have a history of weight loss and gain or have a skewed body image.

Current research suggests that cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) or cognitive behavioural coaching (CBC) together with exercise can help to support individuals who have made a choice to make a change in their life and address their eating habits.

Both the therapy and coaching is based on the premise that what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another, so the treatment is tailored to meet your specific needs via the application of well researched skills and techniques.

Or if you want to lose weight on your own below are some simple ideas to consider before you embark on your healthy eating plan

5 tips for effective weight loss

  1. Make list of the key reasons why you want to lose weight, be honest with yourself. Pin the list on the fridge or keep it on your phone, read it every day. Keep the points at the forefront of your mind
  2. Set yourself a goal one that is explicit and time limited. Write down a goal that works for you. For example: To lose 6 pounds by xxxx, as a result I will feel more toned and my energy levels will improve.
  3. In writing develop a step by step weight loss action plan with a start date. Aim to combine healthy eating with exercise
  4. Put the steps into action
  5. On a weekly basis review your progress and reward yourself for keeping to your action plan

For more information about cognitive behavioural coaching and therapy see www.kszymanska.com or to talk about what kind support you need contact Kasia Szymanska at info@kszymanska.com

Buy Kasia’s book here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Understanding-CBT-Develop-Increase-Well-being/dp/0749459662